















to grow up

grow up

to seek


to seek your fortune

seek your fortune

to sustain


to travel


far away

far away

a pig


a house

a house

a tree

a tree

a banyan tree

a banyan tree

to build






Until you start building a house


Once upon a time, there was a mother pig living with her three little kids.


“Dear kids, now all of you have grown up. You must seek your fortune by yourself. I can no more sustain you.”

Mother gave them some money to travel to a far away town to build their own houses. so the three little pigs left the mother’s house together.


On their way, they rested under a big banyan tree at night, and started discussing their future plans.

①”Now we have got to chance to prove ourselves. Why don’t we take our separate routes and try our lock?”

②”Yes. We can survive on our own strength.”

The third pig, which was wiser than the other two, wasn’t happy with the idea of separation.

He knew that anyone can take advantage of his naive brothers and they will get into some trouble.

③”Brothers, I don’t agree with you. Our unity is our strength and we should not break our strength.”

①”You always try to preach. We know what to do and what not to do.”

①”Yes. Now we are not mamma’s boys to listen to your speech.”

③”Okay, I agree. I have an idea, which will help us all. We will build our separate houses and live by ourselves. Nobody will interfere in anyone’s business.”

①”That’s like my brother. That’s final. ”

③”Wait. Wait. I haven’t finished yet. We will build our houses nearby so that in case any trouble, we can help each other.”

②”Yes he is right brother.”

①”Okay…okay. I agree but I don’t think that  I will face any trouble.”

The next morning, they decided the places to build their houses and left to collect the material for construction.

Second time


Once upon a (    ), there (    ) a mother pig living with her three little pigs.


“Dear kids, now all of you have grown (    ). You must seek your fortune by (    ). I can no more sustain (    ).”

Mother gave them some money to (    ) (    ) a far away town to build their own (    ). So the three little pigs left the mother’s house (    ).


On their way, they rested under a big banyan tree at (    ), and started discussing their future (    ).

“Now we have got to chance to prove (    ). Why don’t we take our separate (    ) and try our (    )?”

“Yes. We can survive on our (    ) (    ).”

The third pig, which was wiser than the other two, wasn’t happy with the idea of (    ).

He knew that anyone can take advantage of his naive brothers and they will get into (    ) (    ).

③”Brothers, I don’t agree (    ) (    ). Our unity is our strength and we should not break (    ) (    ).”

“You always try to (    ). We know what to do and what not to (  ).”

“Yes. Now we are not mamma’s boys to listen to your (    ).”

③”Okay, I agree. I have an idea, which will help us (    ). We will build our separate houses and live by (    ). Nobody will interfere in (    ) (    ).”

“That’s like my brother. That’s (    ). ”

③”Wait. Wait. I haven’t finished yet. We will build our houses nearby so that in case (    ) (    ), we can help (    ) (    ).”

“Yes he is right (    ).”

“Okay…okay. I agree but I don’t think that  I will face (    ) (    ).”

The next morning, they decided the places to (    ) (    ) houses and left to collect the material for (    ).

Third time



Once upon a time, (    ) was a mother pig (    ) with her three little kids.


“Dear kids, now all of you (    ) (    ) up. You must seek (    ) (    ) by yourself. I can no more (    ) you.”

Mother (    ) them some money to (    ) to a far away town to build their own houses. so the three little pigs (    ) the mother’s house together.


On their (    ), they (    ) under a big banyan tree at night, and (    ) discussing their future plans.

①”Now we have got to (    ) (    ) prove ourselves. Why don’t we take our (    ) routes and (    ) (    ) lock?”

②”Yes. We can (    ) (    ) our own strength.”

The third pig, which was (    ) (    ) the other two, wasn’t happy with the (    ) (    ) separation.

He knew that anyone can take (    ) (    ) his naive brothers and they will (    ) (    ) some trouble.

③”Brothers, I don’t agree with you. Our (    ) is our (    ) and we should not break our strength.”

①”You always (    ) (    ) preach. We (     ) (    ) to do and what not to do.”

①”Yes. Now we are not mamma’s (    ) (    ) listen to your speech.”

③”Okay, I agree. I have an idea, (    ) (    ) help us all. We will build our separate houses and (    ) (    ) ourselves. Nobody will (    ) (    ) anyone’s business.”

①”That’s (    ) my brother. That’s final. ”

③”Wait. Wait. I (    ) finished (    ). We will build our houses nearby so that (    ) (    ) any trouble, we can help each other.”

②”Yes he is (    ) brother.”

①”Okay…okay. I agree but I don’t think that  I (    ) (    ) any trouble.”

The next morning, they decided the (    ) (    ) build their houses and (    ) (    ) collect the material for construction.




Once upon (    ) (    ), there was a mother pig (    ) (    ) her three little kids.


“(    ) kids, now (    ) (    ) you have grown up. You (    ) (    ) your fortune by yourself. I can (    ) (    ) sustain you.”

Mother (    ) (    ) some money to travel to a far away (    ) (    ) build their own houses. so the three little pigs left the mother’s house together.


On (    ) (    ), they (    ) (    ) a big banyan tree at night, and started discussing (    ) (    ) (    ).

①”Now we (    ) (    ) (    ) chance to prove ourselves. Why don’t we (    ) our separate routes and try our lock?”

②”Yes. We can survive on (    ) (    ) (    ).”

The third pig, (    ) (    ) wiser than the other two, wasn’t happy with the (     ) (    ) (    ).

He (    ) (    ) anyone can take advantage of his naive brothers and they will get into some trouble.

③”Brothers, I don’t (    ) (    ) (    ). Our unity is our strength and we should not break our strength.”

①”You always (    ) (    ) (    ). We know what to do and (    ) (    ) (    ) (    ).”

①”Yes. Now we are not (    ) (    ) (    ) listen to your speech.”

③”Okay, I agree. I have an idea, which will (    ) (    ) (    ). We will build our separate houses and live (    ) (    ). Nobody will interfere in anyone’s business.”

①”That’s like my brother. (    ) (    ). ”

③”Wait. Wait. I (    ) (    ) (    ). We will build our houses nearby (    ) (    ) (    ) (    ) (    ) (    ), we can help each other.”

②”Yes he is right brother.”

①”Okay…okay. I (    ) but I (    ) (    ) (    ) I will face any trouble.”

The next morning, they (    ) (    ) (    ) to build their houses and left to collect the material for construction.

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