今回は賢いバッファロー(intelligent buffalo)を使って、英語の流れ(英単語一つ一つの使い方)を学んでいきます。
huge hamburger
fresh water
buffaloes grazing
domestic animals
innocent dog
※carried is the past form of carry
girl engrossed book
presence around the world
brave girl
Bounty began to love his life, but…

参考動画⇒賢いバッファロー(intelligent buffalo)
Bounty looked around for a safe place to rest.
And there it was!
E)That cave right near the pond!
E)Mooo La La!

E)This place is huge!
E)It’s pretty warm too.
E)Perfect for me to stay.
E)Oh, boy, am I tired or what!
E)This whole wandering is going to make me slim like a giraffe!

Bounty began to live in the cave.
He would drink fresh water from the pond, graze nearby and sleep peacefully inside.
Days passed and Bounty began to love his life in the forest.

But being a domestic buffalo, Bounty was a simple and innocent animal.
He wasn’t aware that the forest was home to many animals and not all of them were as innocent as he was!
While Bounty happily carried on with his new life, There was someone who was keeping a watch on the buffalo.

Timmy, the fox!

Each day, as Bounty left his cave to wander around, Timmy would tiptoe behind him everywhere!
Bounty was always so engrossed in his day-to-day activities.
He never felt Timmy’s presence around!

T)This buffalo is pretty brave to roam around the forest all by himself.
T)Well…either he is too brave or too stupid.
T)I mean does he even know whose cave he’s living in?
T)Let’s have some fun!
T)Well, hello! Are you new here?

参考動画⇒賢いバッファロー(intelligent buffalo)
Bounty looked around for a safe place to ( ).
And there it ( )!
E)That cave right near the ( )!
E)Mooo La La!

E)This place is ( )!
E)It’s pretty ( ) too.
E)Perfect for me to ( ).
E)Oh, boy, am I tired or ( )!
E)This whole wandering is going to make me ( ) like a giraffe!

Bounty began to live in the ( ).
He would drink fresh water from the pond, ( ) nearby and sleep peacefully inside.
Days ( ) and Bounty began to love his life in the ( ).

But being a ( ) buffalo, Bounty was a simple and ( ) animal.
He wasn’t ( ) that the forest was home to many animals and not all of them were as innocent as he was!
While Bounty happily carried on with his new ( ), There was someone who was ( ) a watch on the buffalo.

Timmy, the ( )!

Each day, as Bounty left his cave to ( ) around, Timmy would tiptoe behind him ( )!
Bounty was always so engrossed in his day-to-day ( ).
He never ( ) Timmy’s presence around!

T)This buffalo is pretty brave to ( ) around the forest all by ( ).
T)Well…( ) he is too brave or too stupid.
T)I mean does he even know whose ( ) he’s living in?
T)Let’s have some ( )!
T)Well, hello! Are you new ( )?

参考動画⇒賢いバッファロー(intelligent buffalo)
Bounty looked around for a ( ) place to rest.
And there ( ) was!
E)That cave right ( ) the pond!
E)Mooo La La!

E)This place ( ) huge!
E)It’s pretty warm ( ).
E)Perfect for ( ) to stay.
E)Oh, boy, am I tired ( ) what!
E)This whole ( ) is going to make me slim like a giraffe!

Bounty began to ( ) in the cave.
He ( ) drink fresh water from the pond, graze nearby and sleep peacefully ( ).
Days passed and Bounty began to love his ( ) in the forest.

But being a domestic ( ), Bounty was a ( ) and innocent animal.
He wasn’t aware that the ( ) was home to many animals and ( ) ( ) ( ) them were as innocent as he was!
While Bounty happily ( ) on with his new life, There was ( ) ( ) was keeping a watch on the buffalo.

Timmy, the fox!

Each day, as Bounty left his cave to wander ( ), Timmy would ( ) ( ) him everywhere!
Bounty was always so ( ) ( ) his day-to-day activities.
He never felt Timmy’s ( ) around!

T)This buffalo is pretty brave to roam ( ) the forest all by himself.
T)Well…either he is too brave or too ( ).
T)I mean does he ( ) know whose cave he’s living in?
T)Let’s have ( ) fun!
T)Well, hello! Are you ( ) here?

参考動画⇒賢いバッファロー(intelligent buffalo)
Bounty looked around ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) to rest.
And ( ) it was!
E)That cave ( ) ( ) the pond!
E)Mooo La La!

E)This place is huge!
E)( ) pretty warm too.
E)( ) ( ) me to stay.
E)Oh, boy, am I tired ( ) what!
E)This whole wandering ( ) ( ) ( ) make me slim like a giraffe!

Bounty began to live in the cave.
He would drink ( ) ( ) from the pond, graze nearby and sleep peacefully inside.
Days passed ( ) Bounty began to love his life in the forest.

But ( ) a domestic buffalo, Bounty was a simple and innocent animal.
He wasn’t aware that the forest was home ( ) ( ) ( ) and not all of them were as innocent as he was!
While Bounty happily carried ( ) ( ) ( ) new life, There was someone who was keeping a watch ( ) the buffalo.

Timmy, the fox!

Each day, ( ) ( ) left his cave to wander around, Timmy would tiptoe behind him everywhere!
Bounty was always so engrossed in his ( )-( )-( ) activities.
He ( ) ( ) Timmy’s presence around!

T)This buffalo is ( ) ( ) to roam around the forest all by himself.
T)Well…either he is ( ) ( ) or too stupid.
T)I mean does he even know ( ) cave he’s living in?
T)Let’s ( ) some fun!
T)Well, hello! ( ) ( ) new here?